Basic Warehouse Inventory Software Package Agreement: BWI is SHAREWARE. If you like the product, send $39.95 to Roger Goodwin, PO Box 9931, Virginia Beach, VA 23450, 804-463-9611. The user will receive the documentation and the software disk. Installation from a root directory: 1) A the DOS prompt type "d:INSTALL" where d: is the disk drive that the BWI disk is being loaded from(it is assumed that BWI will be loaded to the C: drive). Examples: If you are installing from the A: drive, then type A:INSTALL If you are installing from the B: drive, then type B:INSTALL 2) Edit the "CONFIG.SYS" file and add/adjust the following two entries: BUFFERS=30 FILES=30 3) Optional: Put C:\BWI1 in your path statement in the "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file on the C: drive. PATH=C:\BWI1 4) Re-boot your computer so that the new setting will take effect. For technical support, call or write: Roger Goodwin PO Box 9931 Virginia Beach, VA 23450 Voice: (804)463-9611